

ENST Alumni

Alumni Career List

Below are a few examples of some career paths that our alumni have traveled – from green energy development or sustainability decisions in construction, to environmental research and science education. Our alumni are changing the world!

Name Position Description of Role Employer
Mary Bozenmayer Science Teacher Classes cover covers a mix of physics, chemistry, earth science and environmental science West Milford Township Public Schools
Nick Mento Solar Project Management Commercial and utility scale solar project management Summit Ridge Energy
Scott Tjaden Product Development Lead Smart home and carbon free energy products (smart home nexus and energy management solutions) Constellation Energy
Kyle Derby Research Coordinator Preform environmental monitoring and develop projects at The Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Maryland Department of Natural Resources (National Estuarine Research Reserve)
John-Randall Gorby Procurement Manager Homebuilding and mortgage company - have worked with wetland credits and solar projects NVR inc
Nathan Cina Environmental Compliance Coordinator Guidance on environmental goals/compliance on various energy producing/storing projects Strata Clean Energy
Karla Rosales Lobos Environmental Compliance Specialist Manage facilities that accepts and treats soils impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons Clean Earth
Hannah Spates Sustainability Lead Manage green building rating system certifications (LEED) and analysis of environmental impact of businesses Cooper Carry
Diego Santaella Environmental Scientist Environmental analyses for clients including documentation, compliance, site evaluations, and planning Potomac-Hudson Engineering
Jay Kinnaman Senior Environmental Specialist Supervise environmental sampling, inspections, and analyses at BWI Airport Maryland Environmental Service
James Lin Soil Conservationist Work with farmers on conservation practices, and research in greenroof carbon sequestration, environmental modeling, and agricultural research US Department of Agriculture (Natural Resources Conservation Service)