

ENST Undergraduate FAQs

Changing majors into ENST?

Welcome to the Environmental Science and Technology Family!

Are you considering Environmental Science and Technology (ENST) as your new major? That’s exciting! Choosing a major is an important decision, especially when transitioning into a STEM program. ENST offers a dynamic, impactful career path for students passionate about the environment, sustainability, and solving real-world challenges.


  • Hands-On Learning: Explore cutting-edge topics like ecosystem restoration, sustainable agriculture, water quality, and environmental policy.
  • Diverse Career Opportunities: ENST graduates work in environmental consulting, research, policy-making, and beyond.
  • Supportive Community: Join a welcoming network of faculty, advisors, and fellow students dedicated to your success.
  • Flexible Concentrations: Tailor your studies to your interests by choosing from various concentrations.

Steps to Join the ENST Program

If you’re ready to take the leap into ENST, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition:

What should I know about the ENST Internship requirements?

ENST 389: Professional Internship

Every ENST-major student must complete an internship.

If you need ideas about where to apply, please review ENST’s blog. Need more help finding an internship, writing a cover letter, polishing your resume, practicing for your interview? Please consult with a career counselor at UMD’s University Career Center. ENST highly recommends career counselor Christina Farmer.

Prior to starting your internship, students need to submit their internship proposal to ENST. Once it is approved, you will be sent an email giving you further instructions about how to register for ENST 389 Professional Internship and what is expected to receive 3 credits. 

ENST 486: Senior Internship - 1 of 4 SIE Requirement Options

ENST students may fulfill their Senior Integrative Experience (SIE) requirement with a second internship: ENST 486 Senior Internship. Similar to ENST 389, a proposal must be submitted and approved. ENST 486 will be offered in fall and spring semesters and will meet in class every other week. ENST 486 students will learn how to apply concepts they learned during their second internship into a quantitative project and present a poster and paper at the end of the semester. 

What is ENST's Senior Integrative Experience (SIE)?

All ENST students are expected to complete one Senior Integrative Experience (SIE) before graduating.

For a full explanation of options, review our Senior Integrative Experience page. Students may select a Senior Integrative Experience from:

  • ENST 470 is a project development class that is offered each spring semester.

  • ENST 472 involves conducting a research project in an ENST professor's lab. Review current research project options.

  • ENST 486 involves completing a 2nd internship and attending class every other week to learn how to turn the internship experience into a quantitative project. Submit your internship proposal online.

  • ENST 388 is an honors research thesis.

All of these courses will culminate in a final paper and presentation at the end of the semester. These capstone options are by-permission-only, so you need approval from your ENST advisor to register. 

Can I take classes off campus?

If you wish to take a class off-campus, then you need to discuss your request with your advisor, find a current and equivalent class acceptable at UMD by reviewing the Transfer Database, and submit a Permission to Enroll off-campus (PTE) form. After the PTE form is approved by your advisor, it then advances to the dean’s office. Save the dean's signed final decision email!  If you want to take a course off-campus within your final 30 credits at UMD, then you need to ALSO submit a Policy Exception Form (PEMS) asking for permission. Again, explain this to your advisor in advance and save the dean’s final decision email! If your advisor is not available during the week you want to submit your forms, then learn who is replacing your advisor at that time or consult with Dr. Shannon P. Browne.

After you complete and pass your course off-campus, please have that institution send your final transcript to:

University of Maryland
Office of the Registrar
1113 Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Building
College Park, MD 20742

I am having difficulty with a course. What are my options?

If a student feels challenged by a class, they should do their best to read the course textbook, re-read their class/lab notes, and attend every class. If a student still feels challenged by the class, then they should consult with the Teaching Assistant and then the course instructor. They should look for resources on campus like UMD tutoringUMD success strategies, academic help videos like Khan Academy, and student-led study groups.

If they still feel they will not perform well in a class, then they should reach out to their academic advisor prior to the Drop Without a W deadline (10th day of classes). After that deadline, they have until the Drop With a W deadline to consult with their advisor and then make a decision to drop. If unforeseen circumstances happen and the student cannot drop by either deadline, then the student should reach out to their advisor to learn the policy exception about a late drop.

If the student is performing poorly in all classes or has other reasons compelling the student to drop the entire semester, then a student has the right to withdraw from an entire semester one time as a Leave of Absence and return to UMD the following semester in good graces (provided the student has a 2.0 overall GPA or better). If a student is on academic probation (has less than a 2.0) or has withdrawn from a semester in the past and wants to drop an entire semester, then they should consult with their academic advisor prior to withdrawing.

What are additional policy exceptions?

If a student wishes to apply for an additional policy exception not already listed above, they should consult with their academic advisor prior and then submit their policy exception form. Other examples include taking a graduate-level class as an undergraduate student, exceeding 17 credits in one semester, and others. If a student wishes to reach out for help with counseling or disabilities, they are encouraged to use UMD Counseling Center.

What do I need to do for graduation?


To apply to graduate, please log into Testudo and click on the graduation application icon before the 10th day of classes. This triggers a graduation audit at the ENST Department, AGNR College, and University level. Doing this well prior to the 10th day of classes (Schedule Adjustment Period) allows the departmental undergraduate auditor time to notice any missing classes and give you time to hopefully register for them. It is YOUR responsibility to attain 120 credits on your UMD transcript, maintain over a 2.0 GPA overall, complete all GenEds, and complete all departmental requirements. If a requirement cannot be met on time, please consult your academic advisor to learn if a substitution is available.