The Department of Environmental Science and Technology has established Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect (DEIR) goals and priority areas
ENST Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Respect Plan
This document will serve as a living document, as we continue to refine and enhance our DEIR initiatives and align our priorities with the University of Maryland and College of Agricultural and Natural Resources’ DEIR initiatives and activities. The ENST Community voted 37-0 in favor of these department priority areas during the November 18th, 2020 faculty/staff meeting, with updates adopted during our February 8th, 2023 faculty/staff meeting.
Each of the four priority areas have action items, how each goal will be measured, and who is accountable for ensuring work. The goals and action items are listed below in order of priority. The ENST DEIR priorities areas will be evaluated annually.
ENST Suggestion Box:
ENST Diversity Committee Members have volunteered to work to continuously improved matters of diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect (DEIR) within the department. All staff, graduate students, and faculty are welcome to be part of the committee. Please send a message through the suggestion box below if you are interested in getting on our listserv, or for matters of ENST DEIR.
ENST DEIR Suggestion Box – this form is a way you can interact with ENST DEIR activities, and can remain anonymous if you choose:
Note: If you are looking to report a DEIR bias incident, please work through the UMD Office of Diversity & inclusion Bias Incident Support Services here:
Additional Information & Links:
- ENST Department Issues Statement and Action on Confronting Systemic Racism
- Minorities in Agriculture Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANNRS)
- Summer Opportunities in Agricultural Research and the Environment (SOARE)
- Provide Educational Access to Research & Learning in geoscienceS (PEARLS)
- UMD Office of Diversity & Inclusion (Including Bias Incident Support)