The faculty in the waste management group focuses on the proper application of the animal manures to the land at the proper time and amount using the right management techniques to recycles the nutrients through the soil profile, as well as reducing the use of the inorganic commercial fertilizers. Proper waste management improves water quality by preventing pollutants such as nutrients, organics, and pathogens from migrating to surface and ground waters.
The guiding principle of the Maryland Water Quality Improvement Act of 1998 is that nutrient supply should balance with crop nutrient requirements. Nutrient management plans provided by the University of Maryland Agriculture Nutrient Management Program (UM-ANMP) contain crop–needs–balanced recommendations that can increase farm profitability and improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Excessive nutrient applications cause an upset to ecological balance by removing oxygen and decreasing light penetration in Bay water.
Composting - Natural Cycling:
One method of waste management is composting. Composting converts organic waste into a usable, marketable, and commercial product. Wether talking backyard bins or commercial food production, ENST has information and experience working to convert waste into usable materials.