The Graduate Association for Technology and Environmental Science (GATES) is an organization for graduate students advised by ENST faculty, dedicated to the advancement of agricultural, ecological, environmental, and food sciences, biotechnology, and biomedical engineering.
GATES Mission Statement: to promote interaction, inspiration and support among Environmental Science and Technology (ENST) graduate students. The members of GATES will also endeavor to further develop a constructive network of professional communication between graduate students, faculty, and staff, for the greater good of the ENST department.
What Does GATES Do?
Provides a network for introducing new graduate students to the Department of Environmental Science and Technology.
Provides a forum for communication among graduate students and between ENST graduate students, faculty, and staff.
Promotes the high ideals of the engineering and environmental professions.
Plans various social, cultural, and professional events to encourage the development and support of graduate students in Environmental Science and Technology.
GATES Officers:
President: Grace Bodine
Vice President: Melissa Stefun
Secretary: Emily McCoy
Treasurer: Daniel Sanchez
Faculty Liaison: Daniel Herrera
Social Co-Chair: Isabelle Van Benschoten
Social Co-Chair: Alexander MacLeod
IT Technician: Biwek Gairhe