Dr. McGrath has acquired nearly $3 million in external funding from federal and state agencies, industry associations, and private foundations.
Dr. Joshua McGrath, an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology, has been awarded the 2010 Inspiring Young Scientist Award from the American Society of Agronomy. This prestigious and competitive award recognizes worthy early-career professionals who have made an outstanding contribution toward sustaining agriculture through environmental quality research, teaching, extension or industry activity.
Dr. McGrath's research program and Extension programming focus on comprehensive adaptive agricultural nutrient management, agricultural drainage, sensor-based variable rate fertilizer application, manure management in no-till cropping systems, manure storage to reduce nutrient losses, and environmental persistence of manure borne anti-microbial compounds. In a very short time, he has developed a field-based research program supported by laboratory investigations from which he generates the foundational data that provides the basis for Extension education programs and production recommendations.
To support his work, Dr. McGrath has acquired nearly $3 million in external funding from federal and state agencies, industry associations, and private foundations. Clearly, his integrated research and extension program is addressing critical agronomic and environmental issues and providing practical solutions in an aggressive and timely fashion.
Dr. McGrath provides expertise directly to Maryland’s agricultural community through one-on-one activities and formal training sessions, provides expertise to county extension personnel, provides updated soil fertility and nutrient management recommendations, consults with MDA on state nutrient management guidelines, provides consultation and expert testimony for MDE on promulgation of CAFO regulations, provides direct guidance to USDA-NRCS on conservation programs, and participates in MD NRCS State Technical Committee and Nutrient Sub-Committee.
Dr. McGrath has published original research in the highest-tier scientific journals, has authored invited chapters in internationally renowned technical books and monographs, and has published numerous research reports and Extension publications. He has served as primary advisor to five graduate students, served on an additional seven graduate advisory committees, and is Faculty Advisor to the AGNR Student Council.