Growing smarter, simpler, solutions for food and nutrition security
Over the last three years, the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, political conflict and economic crises have driven society to an in escapable crossroads where we must face decisions about balancing all of humanity’s needs in an uncertain future. Among the most pressing questions is how to feed a growing population without expanding our footprint or exhausting already dwindling natural resources.
According to the United Nations, more than 800 million people faced hunger in 2020, and if population estimates are correct, there will be nearly 2 billion more humans to feed on Earth by 2050. But 33% of the world’s land surface is already used for agriculture. According to a recent report by World Resources Institute, feeding all of us is going to require major advancements to boost food production, reduce food waste and increase access to nutritious food for the most vulnerable people.
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with Dr. Ray Weil's Protein-Packed Legumes