Plant Deficiencies

Plant Nutrient Deficiencies

Plant Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms


plant nutrient deficiency

Boron deficiency on cauliflower

Note internal rot. This type of symptom often occurs at the plant growing point.





plant nutrient deficiency

Boron deficiency on clover

Note reddish color of younger leaves.


plant nutrient deficiency

Calcium deficiency on Sorghum-Sudangrass

Note that new leaves stick together and fail to properly unfold. Associated with very acid soil.



plant nutrient deficiency

Calcium deficiency on tomato

Note rot on the end of the fruit to which the blossom was attached. Similar symptoms occur in melons and are associated with lack of Ca and uneven moisture.


plant nutrient deficiency

Chloride deficiency on durum wheat

This is one of the few confirmed instances of Cl deficiency in field grown plants.


plant nutrient deficiency

Copper deficiency in barley

Note whitish leaf tips poorly unfolded. Most common on acid sandy soils.


plant nutrient deficiency

Iron deficiency on azalea

Note Interveinal chlorosis on the youngest leaves. This symptom disappears within a day or two if leaves are sprayed with iron solution.



plant nutrient deficiency

Iron deficiency on rose

Iron deficiency is usually associated with higher than optimum soil pH.


plant nutrient deficiency

Magnesium deficiency on grape

Note Interveinal chlorosis on older leaves.



plant nutrient deficiency

Magnesium deficiency on poinsettia

Note Interveinal chlorosis on oldest leaves.


plant nutrient deficiency

Manganese deficiency on soybean

Note Interveinal chlorosis on younger leaves. Usually associated with higher than optimum soil pH.


plant nutrient deficiency

Molybdenum deficiency on cauliflower

Note "whiptail"-like elongated, misshapen central leaves. Usually associated with lower than optimal soil pH.


plant nutrient deficiency

Nitrogen deficiency on corn (maize)

ote chlorosis of the oldest leaves, starting at the tip and proceeding down the midrib.






plant nutrient deficiency

Nitrogen deficiency on tobacco

Note chlorosis (yellowing) of leaves, most pronounced on the oldest leaves.


plant nutrient deficiency

Phosphorus deficiency on corn (maize)

Note stunted stature and purple coloring of leaf edges and lower stem.



plant nutrient deficiency

Phosphorus deficiency on grapes

Note reddish/purple coloring of oldest leaves.




plant nutrient deficiency

Phosphorus deficiency on tomato seedling

Note purpling, especially on underside of leaves and veins.


plant nutrient deficiency

Potassium deficiency on alfalfa

Note white speckles of necrotic tissue near tip and edges of older leaves.




plant nutrient deficiency
Potassium deficiency on corn (maize) leaves from the bottom of the plant

Note "burned" necrotic leaf edges.


plant nutrient deficiency

Potassium deficiency on soybean

Note chlorosis (and later necrosis) of edges of older leaves.


plant nutrient deficiency

Sulfur deficiency on corn (maize)

Note general chlorosis and spindling growth, with most chlorosis on newer leaves.




plant nutrient deficiency

Sulfur on tea bush

Note the yellowish color (chlorosis) on almost all of the youngest (uppermost) leaves.




plant nutrient deficiency

Sulfur on tomato

Note stunted growth and yellowish color compared to normal plant. Chlorosis most pronounced on younger leaves.


plant nutrient deficiency

Zinc deficiency on citrus tree

Note "blotchy" Interveinal chlorosis on young leaves. Often also causes a rosette-like whirl of stunted leaves in a symptom called "little leaf".



plant nutrient deficiency

Zinc on corn (maize)

Note the broad band of whitish or chlorotic tissue on either side of the mid-rib, especially on mature leaves.